Thursday 26 January 2012

Music magazine front cover developments

The above powerpoint shows the developments I made from my first design for my music magazine to my final design. This shows and explains my different design ideas.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Front Cover

The above photo shows my final design for my Chart! music magazine front cover. It took different opinions from different people to work out exactly what looked best however I feel from my college magazine and popsplash front cover I have really developed my photoshop skills to give a more professional look to my front cover.

Friday 20 January 2012

First Masthead Designs

The above powerpoint shows and explains different design ideas for my masthead against my front cover image.

Popsplash Contents Page

The above photo shows my 'Popsplash' front cover. This was designed to get me to used to photoshop and to develop some of the skills I had already used in photoshop.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Magazine Checklist

My Magazine Name:  Chart!
My Magazine will appeal to: my target audience is 14-22 year old males and females who enjoy social networking, shopping, partying, being with their friends and drinking. They will be interested in keeping up to date with the latest music and links to chart music and the new media such as YouTube, twitter and Facebook.

Other magazines my readership may also read:
My target audience for my music magazine will be interested in other magazines such as celebrity gossip magazines like heat or OK, other music magazines such as chartattack.

 How I intend to maintain a house style:
I intend to use colours of red and blue as this is what my model is wearing in the photo. Because my masthead  is black and white I also feel that the use of two colours will liven up the front cover and these are two colours which can appeal to both genders.

 Format of my contents page:
My Contents page will be a single page, and I will have the feature in the middle and then have the others around the edge. This will all be aligned to the left if on the left hand side of the page and aligned to the right if on the right hand side of the page. These will not have boxes around the text but will be clearly laid out so it is recognizable they are different pages of the magazine. The page numbers will also be bigger than the text.

 My DPS Theme:
My DPS is about a new chart artist and how she has come into the charts. It will be an interview which covers the lifestyle of a chart artist, her day-to-day routine and future plans for her music career.

Front Cover
Contents Page
Text and Imagery for DPS
Double Page Spread
Work Needed To Finish
Final design
All of front cover
All of contents page
Re-do flat plan for contents page
Proof read DPS interview
Choose photo for DPS
All of DPS

Friday 13 January 2012

Possible Contents Page Articles

Artists to look out for in 2012
60 minutes with (chart artist)
Exclusive interview with (my DPS)
Your questions for (chart artist)
The best of 2011; a playlist of our favourite songs

The UK's top 20
Your latest tweets; what have you got to say?

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Popsplash Skills Development Journal

This powerpoint shows my skills development journal for my popsplash magazine front cover. It explains the design techniques I have used on photoshop.

Popsplash Magazine front cover

The above image shows my 'popsplash' magazine front cover. This was a short design task to show different editing techniques and different uses of photoshop. This also helped to build up my skills development journal. Its quite a simple design for a magazine front cover, however it has helped to work with photoshop and will enable me to use some of these design techniques on my final music magazine.