Tuesday 20 March 2012

Evaluation of Music Magazine

The above prezi presentation shows my evaluation for my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I decided to create it on prezi as it is visually more interesting and makes my evaluation presentation more interesting.

Analysed Survey Results

The below powerpoint shows my analysed survey results. I decided to put these on my blog as I have not used all the analysed results in my evaluation.

Skills Development Journal

Due to the file size, I had to upload my skills development in 2 parts.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Final Magazine Designs

On my final front cover design I decided to increase the size of the masthead very slightly and also add a tagline underneath the masthead.
On this final front cover I decided to move the page numbers to fit in more with the photos and also rearranged a few text boxes.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaluation Survey


The above link is a link to my survey which I created to collect evaluative feedback on my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I used a free online survey maker rather than survey monkey because I was allowed to add an unlimited number of questions to the survey, meaning my whole survey could be on one link, saving people from clicking on multiple links just so I could ask the questions I wanted to ask.