Wednesday 12 December 2012

Final Magazine

After completing my music magazine I decided there were a few minor alterations that I could carry out in order to achieve a much better and more professional looking music magazine. After changing these small things on my music magazine, I then adjusted my evaluation accordingly.


Tuesday 20 March 2012

Evaluation of Music Magazine

The above prezi presentation shows my evaluation for my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I decided to create it on prezi as it is visually more interesting and makes my evaluation presentation more interesting.

Analysed Survey Results

The below powerpoint shows my analysed survey results. I decided to put these on my blog as I have not used all the analysed results in my evaluation.

Skills Development Journal

Due to the file size, I had to upload my skills development in 2 parts.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Final Magazine Designs

On my final front cover design I decided to increase the size of the masthead very slightly and also add a tagline underneath the masthead.
On this final front cover I decided to move the page numbers to fit in more with the photos and also rearranged a few text boxes.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaluation Survey

The above link is a link to my survey which I created to collect evaluative feedback on my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. I used a free online survey maker rather than survey monkey because I was allowed to add an unlimited number of questions to the survey, meaning my whole survey could be on one link, saving people from clicking on multiple links just so I could ask the questions I wanted to ask.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Final Draft Magazine Designs

After reviewing the final draft of my front cover I decided to make the masthead slightly larger so it stood out against the cover lines and main image.
When looking at my contents page final draft I decided that the image looked somewhat out of place and decided it needed reviewing. I took another photo of 3 girls which I felt fitted the Chart! theme better than the previous photos of a group of girls and then one male. I also added a colour box and page number to the 'Clueless' article.
 When I read through the final draft of my double page spread I realised that the pull quote was actually worded very slightly differently to the quote in the main text body. I therefore changed this to improve my double page spread. I also moved the main text body leave more of a gutter around the edge of the photo.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Final Magazine Drafts


The above photo's show my final front cover, contents page and double page spread designs.

Development of Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

The powerpoint above shows how my ideas have developed from the first draft of the contents page, double page spread and front cover. This powerpoint also shows my progression of skills of photoshop and how I have used the photoshop skills I have learnt throughout the design process.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Double Page Spread Design Ideas

The above photo shows my original design for my double page spread. I used the same pale blue as used on the contents page and also the same font as I have used throughout my magazine. The text on this page includes a drop cap and a reported by line. I do however feel an improvement on this would be too add a pull quote to underneath the second column of text. I feel a pull quote would work well here because it looks a little empty and bare. I also think the background on the DPS looks very dull and like a blank canvas. I think it could be improved by the use of a brush which could possibly be music related. I have used the masthead in the top left hand corner- as used on the contents page- and kept it the same size to maintain the housestyle throughout the magazine.

I decided, after reviewing and gaining feedback on my previous DPS design, that the background looked dull, blank and boring. I downloaded a music note brush from the internet and used this across the background of my DPS. I feel this works well to break up the background make it more visually appealing to the target audience. I think the column of text which fits around the model works really well.

Contents Page

 After reviewing my contents page original design and gaining some peer feedback from my class mates I decided that the design looked too bunched together and didn't have the professional feel that I intended to have for Chart! magazine. I decided to use boxes to arrange the contents page text in. I started by making 3 boxes and alligning them together using the photoshop grid. I then used the text and began to arrange it. I used a few of my own images but also used images from google so that I could effectively design my contents page before actually having taken all the images. The use of pink wellies was the decision for the pink outer glow around the boxes and also the number boxes. I think this design works much better than my previous contents page design as it all looks far more professional and neater. It is quite a simple layout, but I feel it works well to attract the target audience and also is easy to read. The colour works to liven up the contents page without it being too 'in your face'. Overall, I feel this contents page design works much better than my previous ideas.
After looking at my front cover, contents page and double page spread all together I decided that the pink did not help to maintain a house style throughout 'Chart!' music magazine. I decided to look at the other colours I had used within the magazine design and encorporate this into the contents page. After looking at the photos used, the double page spread and the front cover I decided a pale blue outer glow would look good in replacement of the pink on the previous contents page design. I felt this worked well with the background of the DPS, the photo on the front cover, the background and colour box colours on the contents page and also the photo in the left hand corner of the contents page. Because I have only used the pale blue as an outline for the colour boxes and as small squares to highlight page numbers I don't feel there is too much blue throughout the magazine. On this contents page design I have also replaced the google images with my own original images.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Contents Page Ideas and Developments

The above powerpoint shows my different design ideas and explains why I chose to change and design my contents page like I did.

Contents Page- Chart!

The above photo shows my design for my final contents page. I decided on a colour scheme to maintain the house style and used the same font as the front cover to also maintain a house style. Overall, I am impressed with my contents page design and think the colours work well with the photo and front cover.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Music magazine front cover developments

The above powerpoint shows the developments I made from my first design for my music magazine to my final design. This shows and explains my different design ideas.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Front Cover

The above photo shows my final design for my Chart! music magazine front cover. It took different opinions from different people to work out exactly what looked best however I feel from my college magazine and popsplash front cover I have really developed my photoshop skills to give a more professional look to my front cover.

Friday 20 January 2012

First Masthead Designs

The above powerpoint shows and explains different design ideas for my masthead against my front cover image.

Popsplash Contents Page

The above photo shows my 'Popsplash' front cover. This was designed to get me to used to photoshop and to develop some of the skills I had already used in photoshop.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Magazine Checklist

My Magazine Name:  Chart!
My Magazine will appeal to: my target audience is 14-22 year old males and females who enjoy social networking, shopping, partying, being with their friends and drinking. They will be interested in keeping up to date with the latest music and links to chart music and the new media such as YouTube, twitter and Facebook.

Other magazines my readership may also read:
My target audience for my music magazine will be interested in other magazines such as celebrity gossip magazines like heat or OK, other music magazines such as chartattack.

 How I intend to maintain a house style:
I intend to use colours of red and blue as this is what my model is wearing in the photo. Because my masthead  is black and white I also feel that the use of two colours will liven up the front cover and these are two colours which can appeal to both genders.

 Format of my contents page:
My Contents page will be a single page, and I will have the feature in the middle and then have the others around the edge. This will all be aligned to the left if on the left hand side of the page and aligned to the right if on the right hand side of the page. These will not have boxes around the text but will be clearly laid out so it is recognizable they are different pages of the magazine. The page numbers will also be bigger than the text.

 My DPS Theme:
My DPS is about a new chart artist and how she has come into the charts. It will be an interview which covers the lifestyle of a chart artist, her day-to-day routine and future plans for her music career.

Front Cover
Contents Page
Text and Imagery for DPS
Double Page Spread
Work Needed To Finish
Final design
All of front cover
All of contents page
Re-do flat plan for contents page
Proof read DPS interview
Choose photo for DPS
All of DPS

Friday 13 January 2012

Possible Contents Page Articles

Artists to look out for in 2012
60 minutes with (chart artist)
Exclusive interview with (my DPS)
Your questions for (chart artist)
The best of 2011; a playlist of our favourite songs

The UK's top 20
Your latest tweets; what have you got to say?

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Popsplash Skills Development Journal

This powerpoint shows my skills development journal for my popsplash magazine front cover. It explains the design techniques I have used on photoshop.

Popsplash Magazine front cover

The above image shows my 'popsplash' magazine front cover. This was a short design task to show different editing techniques and different uses of photoshop. This also helped to build up my skills development journal. Its quite a simple design for a magazine front cover, however it has helped to work with photoshop and will enable me to use some of these design techniques on my final music magazine.