Saturday 18 February 2012

Double Page Spread Design Ideas

The above photo shows my original design for my double page spread. I used the same pale blue as used on the contents page and also the same font as I have used throughout my magazine. The text on this page includes a drop cap and a reported by line. I do however feel an improvement on this would be too add a pull quote to underneath the second column of text. I feel a pull quote would work well here because it looks a little empty and bare. I also think the background on the DPS looks very dull and like a blank canvas. I think it could be improved by the use of a brush which could possibly be music related. I have used the masthead in the top left hand corner- as used on the contents page- and kept it the same size to maintain the housestyle throughout the magazine.

I decided, after reviewing and gaining feedback on my previous DPS design, that the background looked dull, blank and boring. I downloaded a music note brush from the internet and used this across the background of my DPS. I feel this works well to break up the background make it more visually appealing to the target audience. I think the column of text which fits around the model works really well.

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