Saturday 18 February 2012

Contents Page

 After reviewing my contents page original design and gaining some peer feedback from my class mates I decided that the design looked too bunched together and didn't have the professional feel that I intended to have for Chart! magazine. I decided to use boxes to arrange the contents page text in. I started by making 3 boxes and alligning them together using the photoshop grid. I then used the text and began to arrange it. I used a few of my own images but also used images from google so that I could effectively design my contents page before actually having taken all the images. The use of pink wellies was the decision for the pink outer glow around the boxes and also the number boxes. I think this design works much better than my previous contents page design as it all looks far more professional and neater. It is quite a simple layout, but I feel it works well to attract the target audience and also is easy to read. The colour works to liven up the contents page without it being too 'in your face'. Overall, I feel this contents page design works much better than my previous ideas.
After looking at my front cover, contents page and double page spread all together I decided that the pink did not help to maintain a house style throughout 'Chart!' music magazine. I decided to look at the other colours I had used within the magazine design and encorporate this into the contents page. After looking at the photos used, the double page spread and the front cover I decided a pale blue outer glow would look good in replacement of the pink on the previous contents page design. I felt this worked well with the background of the DPS, the photo on the front cover, the background and colour box colours on the contents page and also the photo in the left hand corner of the contents page. Because I have only used the pale blue as an outline for the colour boxes and as small squares to highlight page numbers I don't feel there is too much blue throughout the magazine. On this contents page design I have also replaced the google images with my own original images.

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