Thursday 20 October 2011

College Magazine- First Design

The above photo shows my first design for my college magazine. I used my original flat plan sketched designs to help me chose the design for my magazine. I decided to situate the medium close up photo to the right of the magazine, as not to follow the trend of it being in the middle. I also felt this would make it slightly more interesting and more eye-catching. I decided to remove the background from my medium close-up photo because it wasn't all one colour and so looked more professional and neater with the background removed. I chose red background colours for my 'blocks' with white writing which I feel works well. I added a red strip down the left hand side to make my magazine front cover look more professional.
I decided to put a barcode at the top right hand side of my magazine front cover above the medium-close up photo. I think my magazine front cover could be improved by moving the barcode because I don't feel it really fits in with the magazine.

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