Thursday 20 October 2011

Masthead for College Magazine

This is my masthead for my college magazine. I chose to call it 'City News' because I felt it was simple and easily explained what people could expect from the magazine. I wanted to keep it black and white so that if I choose a coloured background my masthead will stand out. I felt the overlap in the 'C' and 'N' made the title look more joined and more as if it was a masthead rather than two seperate words. I chose this font style from '' because I thought it was very simple but easily readable and the shadowed letters make it stand out so its easily readable. The design process for this was slightly more difficult than I originally anticipated though because I had to do the 'C' and 'N' seperate to the rest of the word otherwise both words would have had to overlap rather than just the first letter in the word.

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