Wednesday 5 October 2011

Design Brief

Design brief.
Band name:

I am going to call my band ’The Sunnies’ because I feel although its simple it is short and effective and will work well on my album cover.

Target audience demographic:

The age range of my album will target older teenagers and young adults. People who listen to my album’s other interests are shopping, socialising, social networking, parties, and listening to other music. People who listen to my album would stereotypically wear modern, fashionable and casual clothing and would enjoy dressing up on certain special occasions. Other music my target audience would listen to would probably be R&B, dance, hip-hop and other pop artists.

What is their age range? What other music do they listen to? What other interests might they have? What style of clothing do they wear?

Imagery and colour schemes.

Create a Photoshop document of imagery you have found on the internet (mood board)
What images are likely to appear on the front cover? (Would the sugar babes use a picture of an eagle eating worms out of a rotting skull?) Should you expect to see darker colours, bright colours, pastels or black and whites?

Type face/font styles.

Create a Photoshop document of typefaces that would be appropriate.
What typefaces have you found that could be appropriate? Which ones would be way off the mark?

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