Wednesday 9 November 2011

Analysis of mixmag front cover, contents page and double page spread.

The cover lines on the front cover of 'mixmag' are all written in black writing which stands out to the audience. The use of a white masthead and black cover lines contrast well with each other and the background making them stand out to the target audience. Mixmag has decided to place the majority of its cover lines around the edge of the medium close up photograph, which I think works well because it highlights the medium close up photograph. The cover price for mixmag has been positioned next to the barcode in quite a small font. Mixmag's front cover has a very distinct layout; the masthead taking up approximately 1/4 of the page, the medium close up taking up the majority of the page and a house style simple font has been used. Mixmag's masthead is slightly covered by the medium close up photograph; however it is still recognisable what the magazine is called. The masthead is quite modern and unique with its curved font and instantly tells us the magazine is not mainly about rock or heavy metal music, but about a more 'delicate' style of music. On the right hand side of the front cover the cover lines use a range left and on the right hand side of the cover the cover lines have been formatted to range right. By using different weights of typeface on the front cover it has added depth and means it will catch the target audience's eye better than if it was all one weight.
The front cover of mixmag doesn't easily define its readers; therefore the readership for mixmag covers a wide range of people.

The majority of the contents page for mixmag is white on black. These contrasting colours work well to highlight the white words and the contents of the magazine. The contents page also uses a flush left which works well to give a professional look to the contents page of the magazine. The heading of each spread of the magazine has been put into a bold font to make it stand out more from the description of what the spread is about. A house style font has been used for the explanation of the free cd and the description of each of the spreads in the magazine. The masthead has again been used which adds to the house style of mixmag. The layout of this contents page includes both pictures and text which work well together and give the reader more to look at. On the contents page, the producers of the magazine want the first thing you look at to be the photo therefore they have made the photo the main item on the contents page. Again, the contents page uses different weights of text to attract the target audience to read the contents page in a particular order. The spot colour used on this page is yellow which is bright and will instantly attract reader's attention. The way the producers have only placed small pieces of text in the spot colour yellow on this page makes that particular font stand out a lot more. At the top of the page there is also a small amount of white space but I think this works well because it attracts your eyes to the word 'contents'.

The angle of this story promotes these particular nights and gives information about those featured on this double page spread. The body copy has been split into 3 sections, one for each place/night. These photos don't have captions as such, but the captions are the places where the nights are and what the nights are called. The crosshead on this page is "the big 3" and by using white and a bright pink this has been placed to try and capture the reader's attention. The editors have made the type flush left so the left margin is straight but the right one is ragged. By using the same font throughout the body copy on this double page spread they have insisted a house style. The gutter on this double page spread isn't very big between the 2 columns but is enough to define and stop the reader reading along the same line and reading down instead. There are 3 headlines on this page, one for each of the nights and the use of this has enabled the reader to be attracted to where and what the nights are before they read into the details of the different nights.
The different nights have used delayed drops to introduce the nights and the layout has been designed to include both photos and text. The lead article/night of this page is the one on the left hand page in Leeds; this is the lead because it uses up a whole page and has more text and a bigger photo than the two that are both on the right hand page. Mixmag has not placed its mast head on this double page spread but on the bottom left hand corner of the right page has put their website address. The photo on the left page uses a mug shot whilst the photos on the right page are medium close ups or again mug shots. The weight of the text across the double page spread changes.

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