Wednesday 9 November 2011

Reader Profile- My Magazine

My music magazine will be aimed at people of the BC1 and 2 social grade. They will be male or female young adults who are currently studying or have a full time job. They will work in their lives and use magazines as their escapism route. They will also get entertainment from reading the magazine and will learn about the latest music 'fashions' from reading the magazine.

V-   People who read my magazine will think about music and their future career.

A-   People who read my magazine would like to have the stereotypical happy family, with a house- preferably in the city, a good job and watch artists live in cities e.g. London. They will also aspire to many of the musicians featured and will want well paid jobs.

L-    People who read my magazine will probabaly have a part times job, be studying and spend their weekends working or partying. Many of them will probabaly also drink regularly as teenagers tend to.

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