Wednesday 9 November 2011

How are women represented in 50 Cents Video “Candy Shop”?

The portrayal of women in 50 Cents video is not just shown through the video, but also through the lyrics used in his song.

The use of the song name “Candy Shop” reminds the viewers of young vulnerable children going into a sweet shop to spend their pocket money. This creates a picture that women are vulnerable and also quite naïve.

The third line of 50 Cents song ‘Candy Shop’ is “so seductive”. This instantly, along with the visual use of a young female, creates a picture in the viewer’s mind that girls are seductive and quite slutty. Throughout the video, the girls are framed on the wall which tells the viewers that females are a possession that can be easily placed and instructed. 50 Cent walks from his possession of a car, to the females again reinforcing those females are possessions and not individuals.

The females also stand around in a lot of the video, as if they are waiting for the male, in this case 50 Cent, to arrive which makes the girls look provocative. The use of their ‘slutty’ clothes also makes the females look needy and naughty.

50 Cents song lyrics patronise and degrade the females through his use of lyrics “I'll break it down for you now, baby its simple”. He also treats the girls as if they are simple and dim.

The females in this video are all stereotypical of the ‘celebrity look’ that many girls admire to follow. They are slim, pretty, toned and tall.

50 Cent uses the girls in this video as an item, portraying them in a very negative view.  Both through his use of props such as baths and sofas linked with the lyrics of the song and the females are used to give a very stereotypical negative view.

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