Thursday 10 November 2011

Analysis of Music Tech front cover, contents page and double page spread

The MusicTech magazine clearly states on its front cover, "the magazine for producers, engineers and recording musicians" instantly making anyone who is not one of these think that they are not the target audience for this particular magazine. This also limits the readership for MusicTech.
Although there are many pictures on this front cover, there are no captions for the photos, instead cover lines telling the readers what they can expect to find inside. The cover price for MusicTech is just above the barcode which is where most people would expect to find it. On the left hand side of the front cover the cover lines flush left and on the right hand side of the cover the cover lines flush right. This creates a jagged look on all the text in the centre of the front cover. A number of different fonts have been used on the front cover of MusicTech. The layout of MusicTech's front cover is very busy and quite cluttered which makes the readers of it think the magazine will be quite busy and will provide them with lots of relevant and useful information. It is difficult to tell from the front cover what the lead article is in MusicTech because of the wide range of varying font sizes and weights. The masthead for MusicTech is very simple but informative. The masthead used on the front cover is not only the title of the magazine, but the explanation of who the magazine is for underneath the title too. The title actually works as WOB on this particular front cover; however this is not the case for all the issues of MusicTech. The images used on the front cover of MusicTech actually look like a photomontage rather than one image featuring all the items of technology. The spot colours for Music Tech are both mainly red and yellow as these feature throughout the magazine.

The contents page of MusicTech is actually a double page spread. This reinforces what the magazine front cover tells us about the magazine being very busy and including a lot of information. The contents page makes it slightly clearer, with links to the front cover of what the main article is; the spread on creative distortion. We see that the angles of the stories are from a music technological angle front the contents page. The MusicTech masthead has not actually been used on the contents page, however another style of font has been used to say 'MTM Contents'. The issue number and month is located on both the front cover and under the words 'MTM contents' on the contents page as well. The body copy of the contents page is featured on the far right hand side of the right page. This body copy is the text which explains which item is on which page of the November issue of Music Tech. The body copy is placed inside a box to highlight that it is all the listings of the magazine. By using pictures/relevant images MusicTech have made it very clear as to which articles they have mainly focused on and which articles they think will appeal to their target audience. There are captions with each of the photos which explain what they can expect to find out if they read the spread which relates to the image shown on the contents page. This magazine contains the majority of editorial rather than advertisements. The majority of the typeface on the contents page has been formatted to flush left. By using the headline 'Creative Distortion' and making this a different weight to the rest of the font on the page the editors have made it clear this is the feature they want their readers to read. A house style font has been used for the box of all the listing in the magazine, however hasn't been used across the whole of the double page contents spread. The creative distortion article on the left page of the double page spread's text is unjustified. At the top of both pages of the double page spread there is white space.

This double page spread of MusicTech is the lead article of MusicTech's November issue. It uses the spot colours of red and yellow and the 'MTM' masthead which featured on the contents page also features on this double page spread, however isn't the same masthead as the main one used on the front cover. The angle of this story is from a technical editor's view and the language used reinforces the target audience of this magazine.
The body copy of this double page spread uses the spot colours and WOB. The text across this double page spread also uses different weights to emphasise on different parts of the body copy. The body copy is only situated on the left page of the double page spread, and the right page features only a photomontage of relevant photos. The body copy starts with a drop cap which enhances the look of the page and the first lines of the main body copy are arranged around this. By using a spot colour alongside the drop cap the editors have enhanced the look of the page majorly.
The main body copy on this double page spread has been formatted to range left whilst also indenting the text. The layout of this double page spread is very clear; text on the left page and a photomontage on the right. The word creative has been reversed out to attract readers to the headline of this page.

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