Thursday 17 November 2011

Music Magazine Survey

I designed this music magazine survey using surveymonkey. I chose a selection of questions, the first 2 being relevant to the gender and age, as from my results I will remove the answers given from those who are not my target audience of 14-20 years old. I think the questions I have asked will help me to design my music magazine. By finding out the first thing people consider when buying a magazine I will be able to include the top results on my magazine front cover which will make it more suitable for my target audience.
By asking a wide range of questions I will be able to assess my target audience's wants in a magazine, the price they would be happy to pay, their lifestyles, their ambitions and their values in life. This will help me immensely with my design.
By putting this survey on my facebook page I was able to target my audience very well and get many of my target audience to complete the survey, resulting in very useful answers.

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