Friday 9 December 2011

Draft of DPS interview

When trying to arrange an interview with a top of the charts singer where do you go?! We settled on a café on the outskirts of London which is where we are now, scoffing cake whilst trying to carry out this interview!
Well, haven’t you made a great entrance into the world of chart?
I most certainly have! How many other chart artists can say they’ve gone from being just a normal girl in a big world to being number one in the charts?! I couldn’t believe it when my new single “Just livin’ my life” went straight to number one!
How do you feel when you walk down your local high street and people start shouting your name?
Because I was never the most popular girl at school, I find it incredible that people know my name and recognise me! Im still a homely girl at heart, so I like to spend much of my spare time in my village and the local town which is very close by. When im walking along and I hear my name I have to pinch myself to check it’s not all a dream!
So… what is your day to day routine like?
Well, if im in the studio recording then my alarm usually goes off about 5.30 and my taxi picks me up around 6 which gives me enough time to search out some clothes and put them on. When I get to the studio around 7 I get whisked off to the stylist’s room to have my hair and makeup done. The dressing room then dresses me before im finally allowed to step foot in the studio around half 8. We stop recording around 10 for a mid morning break and someone usually brings in some biccies! An afternoon of recording is then ahead of us, finishing about half 4. By the time I get home, my mum has tea on the table and then I snuggle up in front of the TV with her for an evening of soaps!
And if you’re not recording?
If im not recording it’s a totally different story! Because I still live with my parents, im waited on hand and foot! My mum will bring me breakfast in bed late morning, which actually means it’s more like brunch! Many Saturdays have been spent with me laying under my duvet sleeping... after all though, the *counts on fingers* 11 hour days are a lot of hard work!
Do you have any exciting tours or gigs booked for 2012?
I can’t say, because that really would be telling*with a cheeky grin*, but I can certainly say, 2012 is going to be a great year for my music career! Keep your eyes open on ticketmaster and you never know what gigs you might be attending!
At just 20 you’re still young. Do you worry that your music career might not go to plan?
Worry? When my first single is at number 1 in the charts? Of course I don’t! Haha! Music is a tough industry to get involved in, but even tougher to stay in so of course I worry, but after all, you only live once so why not go for it now whilst I can!
What are your plans for your music career in 2012?
Well, im obviously working hard every day recording my newest single, and I hope by the summer of 2012 to have produced my first album! Anything could happen though so I don’t like to plan too far in advance!
Well, best of luck with your music journey and I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of you this year. We’re also keeping our eyes peeled on ticketmaster to see what gigs and tours are coming up!
Thank you very much. Im still not giving it away, but yes keep watching ticketmaster!
Reported by Poppy George for Chart! magazine.

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