Saturday 3 December 2011

Moodboard for my Music Magazine

In preperation for creating my music magazine I created a moodboard using photoshop. The aim of creating this moodboard was to look at other magazines, colour schemes, magazine photography and font's that I could possibly use when creating my magazine. By creating this moodboard, I have looked at many different magazines, styles and magazine photography shoots which have given me ideas for my own music magazine. I have included a number of different blocks of colours as possible colour scheme and possible colours that I will consider using throughout my magazine, possibly as colours for my masthead or spot colours for my magazine. I have also included a number of magazine front covers, I included the top of the pops front cover because this is a pop/chart music magazine and whilst the front cover is busy it also shows how it uses bright colours. The 'Style' magazine front cover is very simplistic as a front cover, and not too busy which I think looks good and I would like to design my magazine front cover as quite simplistic.
Many photos of singers are also included on my moodboard, and a microphone. These pictures are included because I would like to have a photo of an 'artist' singing on my front cover which will mean I need a prop of a microphone. The reason I would like to include a person singing is because many magazine front covers have very 'posed' photos and I think a natural photo of an 'artist' would be a UPS for my magazine. I really like the way NME's front cover uses the same colour for the feature article as it does for the masthead, I think this works really well and would be an idea I would like to try out on my own music magazine design. I have also included a photo in black and white, I think this has the potential to work well on a magazine front cover and create a very strong impact, however this would be something I would want to trial before deciding to place it on my final music magazine as I am not sure it would work on a music magazine. The 'Q' masthead is on my moodboard because I am planning on creating my masthead in the same sort of style as Q's, with it being a square with one big letter, however mine will also probabaly have smaller letters as well. The twitter, facebook and youtube logo's show how I will link people's love of new media and social networking into my music magazine, making it appeal again to my target audience. The various different fonts on my moodboard are all examples of font's which are avaliable on '' and also examples of fonts I like and think would work well throughout my music magazine.

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