Saturday 3 December 2011

Flat Plans for my Music Magazine

 The above flatplan shows an inital design for my music magazine. By briefly sketching out a plan, when I come to actually designing my front cover I will be able to look at this flatplan and use it as a guide to my design. I decided to place my masthead in the top left hand corner, my cover price and barcode in the bottom right hand corner and my medium close up in the centre. I do not want to make the front cover too busy, however I don't want there too be lots of white space, as this will distract from the image and the cover and feature lines. By having a 'special features' section along the bottom of the page, this will hopefully catch my readers eye if I put the text in a spot colour, meaning it will interest them and encourage them too buy the magazine even more.
 The flat plan above is an inital flatplan for my contents page. I have chosen on this flatplan not to design my contents page in the 'normal' way, with reams of writing and images scattered throughout the page, instead, I have decided to place a main image at the top, of the main feature article again or maybe a musical instrument used in chart music. I have almost cut my contents page in half, with the top half a photo, and the bottom half text. By cutting it in half I think it will make the contents page more visually appealing and interesting. I plan to cut my contents page in half in an interesting way, rather than just a straight line so it looks very military.
 The photo above and the photo below both show possible mastheads and name ideas for my magazine. I have designed a variety of mastheads, because then I can choose which masthead is my favourite and then decide colours and sizes for it. On the first page of designs my least favourite are the 'Tune In' one in the bottom left hand corner, the 'Todays Music' one in the middle of the page and 'Listen' in the bottom right hand corner. These are my least favourite because I don't think they are very well designed. On the second page, I really like the 'Chart' one in the bottom right hand corner, and also the 'Chart' design above this one. I think 'Chart' would be a good name for my music magazine because it is all about chart music and I think people would easily be able to associate this with my chart music magazine.

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